Journey Into Mystery #116

Marvel ⋅ 1965

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Key Facts

1st appearance of the Norn Stones, magical stones that give different powers to the possessor

3rd appearance of Medusa

Issue Details




Jack Kirby


Stan Lee


May 1965


"The Trial of the Gods!" - Odin sends Thor and Loki to Skornheim to determine which one has lied to him. Odin confiscates Thor's hammer as they are to venture through this perilous land unarmed, Loki has hidden the Norn Stones in his robe. ?nd, to further his advantage, as the trial begins, Loki reveals to Thor that he has sent the Executioner and the Enchantress to menace Jane Foster!Tales of Asgard: "The Challenge!" - Thor and Loki are on a diplomatic mission to King Hymir. Loki and the king scheme to enslave Thor by issuing a challenge he cannot refuse!  The Hammer Strikes (letters column)

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